Jennifer Ho is an associate professor and director of graduate studies in the department of English and comparative literature, whose research and teaching interests include Asian- and multi-ethnic American literature and racial identity. Her most recent book, "Racial Ambiguity in Asian American Culture" (Rutgers University Press), was published this past spring.
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When Gastonia's iconic Loray/Firestone mill was being redeveloped, UNC's Digital Innovation Lab was on hand to help preserve and present the history of the mill and the people associated with it. Digital Loray is the largest digital humanities project ever undertaken by the University.
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A new class at Carolina is giving students a chance to learn North Carolina's food system and food culture from the ground up - and contribute to a much larger project.
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UNC-Chapel Hill Chancellor Carol L. Folt welcomed renowned physicist Stephen Hawking in front of a sold-out crowd at the Hawking Radiation Conference in Stockholm in late August. Hawking’s public lecture was part of a historic gathering of the world’s most accomplished physicists.
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With hours of hand-sewing and creative crafting, Carolina’s graduate costume production students are working their way onto a platform even bigger than the stage.
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Scores of UNC alumni have launched careers in the film and TV industry thanks to a communication studies internship program that sends students to Hollywood for a course outlining the filmmaking process and places students in prestigious internships at production companies, agencies, studios and related businesses every summer.
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In January 2015, a team of researchers from UNC-Chapel Hill, Boise State University, Georgia State University and Michigan State University set out to complete an expedition on one of South America's most active volcanoes.
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The First Year Seminars Program in UNC's College of Arts and Sciences offers innovative, inventive and one-of-a-kind classes designed to help incoming students make the transition from high school to a global research university.
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Media and the Movement: Journalism, Civil Rights, and Black Power in the American South is an oral history project that examines the media and activism of the South during the civil rights movement. With funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities,
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UNC faculty, students and alumni played a crucial role in a new cultural tourism project to revitalize Shelby, N.C. This includes the new Earl Scruggs Center, which opened in January in the town's renovated 1907 courthouse.
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