photo by Steve Exum
For the next two years, the Carolina community will come together around a common table with food as the University’s new academic theme — exploring a plateful of topics, including food cultures and security, nutrition, world hunger, sustainable development and the impact of climate change. In the following stories (click on the links below and note the “Food for All” header at the top of the stories), you’ll read about the extraordinary work that faculty, students, alumni and staff in the College of Arts and Sciences are doing that advances our understanding of this most fundamental topic.
And check out a behind-the-scenes look at the magazine cover shoot!
Food, Glorious Food: A Q&A with American studies professor Marcie Ferris
Mapping a Culinary Mashup: Laos and a Local Community
A Good Butcher: Vittles Films Digs Deep into Food and Southern Culture
Gravy: A poem by creative writing professor Michael McFee
Food, Fast: Quick bites on research and work by UNC students
“Food is a Story about Class, Race and Gender”
Supermarkets and Locavores: Allies or Adversaries?
Exploring Food and Politics in 1950s Vietnam
Feeling Frank: An essay by associate professor of English Jennifer Ho
Bye-Bye, Bugs: Jeff Dangl is UNC’s plant disease-buster
Cherished Pages: A cookbook author celebrates the stories of food that bring communities together
Meat Maven: Sarah Blacklin ’06 helps players in the pasture-based meat industry succeed
A Recipe: Carolina Clam Chowder: Down-East Style
A Recipe: Jamaican Rice and Peas